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4 neofascists arrested for assaulting Italian journalist

Italy’s state police on Thursday arrested four members of the neofascist militant group CasaPound for attacking Italian journalist Andrea Joly in Turin last month.
The four militants were put under house arrest on charges of coercion by force and aggravated bodily injury against the reporter. The investigating judge is still to rule on a fifth person suspected of being involved in the attack. 
In a note, the public prosecutor’s office in Turin said there was “the danger of repetition of crimes of the same nature,” by the militants due to their “violent nature” and “strong criminal instincts,” Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano reported.
Joly, a reporter for La Stampa newspaper, was attacked by members of the neofascist group outside of the CasaPound headquarters in the northern Italian city of Turin on the night of July 20.
The journalist was secretly filming with his phone scenes of the militants holding a party in their headquarters when two men approached him and asked him to hand over the device. They then kicked him as he tried to get away, causing an injury that required hospital treatment. Forty-eight hours later, Turin’s investigative authorities identified five people suspected in the attack.
Following the assault, Joly spoke out to describe what happened. “I was afraid of being strangled, I couldn’t breathe,” he said in a video published by La Stampa. 
On July 21, Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni condemned the attack and offered her solidarity with the journalist, while opposition leaders urged the government to dissolve neofascist organizations such as CasaPound.
